Chiui Hsu 1, Claudia Wang 2, Rungtai Lin 3, The Study of Developing Innovation and Entrepreneurship on Technology, Volume 11, Springer, cham ISBN978-3-319-20906-7, 2015: 15-23. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.(HCI)
Chiu I Hsu1, Hui Yun Yen2, and Rungtai Lin3 (2018, Nov). Introducing Co-Learning and Co-Creating to Revive Local Craftsmanship: An Experimental Study onIndigo Dyeing Craftsmanship in Sanxia, Taiwan. Journal of Arts & Humanities, Volume 07, Issue 11, 2018: 68-78. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
Hui-Yun Yen1* and Chiu-I Hsu2 (2017, Jun). College student perceptions about the incorporation of cultural elements in fashion design. Fashion and textile. 期刊2017 6月. College student perceptions about the incorporation of cultural elements in fashion design
Chiu I Hsu1, Rungtai Lin 2, Pilot Study on the Application of Light-Absorbing Fabric in Sport Fashion, Volume 11, Springer, cham ISBN978-3-319-20906-7, 2015: 15-23. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. (HCI)
Chiu I Hsu11 Ma Ruiping 2 Lin Rongtai 3 (December 2018). Exploring the principle of common design principles Taipei City Government consistent clothing design case. Art Journal, Journal of Art, Vol. 14, No. 2, P. 91-P.120. this Man is the first author and correspondent author
柯亞先 1* 周啟雄 2 徐秋宜 2 吳宛真 21 亞(2016年05月)。文創織品之綠色設計:從客家文化與意象塑造談起 A Green Design of the Cultural Creative Textiles: Starting from Hakka Culture and Its Image Creation. International Journal of Digital Humanities and Creative Innovation Management, Vol.4, No.1, Mar. 2016, pp.141-155.
時間: 2019年7月31日 奧蘭多美國加州
題目:The Study of Developing Innovation and Entrepreneurship on Technology
時間: 2015年8月5日 美國洛杉磯
題目:Pilot Study on the Application of Light-Absorbing Fabric in Sport Fashion。
時間: 2017年5月27日逢甲大學
發表題目:Study on Touching Experience of Fashion Curation—A Case Study of “NAIF” Brand Fashion Show
時間: 2016年5月20日輔仁大學
發表題目:Integrating Art Inspiration into Fashion Design: A Case Study of Fashion Show【Art Mode-nology】